Sunday, July 5, 2009

What is Smarterbooks?

A few hours ago, a bunch of kids were spamming Twitter with the hashtag #stopmileyhate. Not really sure what set it off, I think Perez Hilton claimed on his blog that she was pregnant. In a half-serious/half-trolling mood, I began to make posts listing reasons why I oppose the rabid Miley Cyrus fandom using the hashtag. What ensued was a very frustrating conversation with Miley fans.

Pretentious and indignant, I thought to myself that this was why society is crumbling. I lamented the lack of education in our youth and the death of meaningful media/culture. Which led to the tweet "The government should start a publicserviceprogram where everybody who buys a copy of Twilight gets a copy of classical literature for free."

Surprisingly, my twitter followers had a positive reaction to this idea. In a series of tweets, we decided that it could take place as a guerrilla campaign where fliers containing information on how to access public domain classical literature would be put up online in pdf form, in hopes that people would print them and leave them in copies of "trashy" popular books at the bookstores near them.

Unlike many of our previous ideas, this is actually feasible. So let's do it. Personal army, brah.